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Apache ODE – ODE Execution Events

ODE Execution Events


ODE generates events to let you track what is exactly happening in the engine and produces detailed information about process executions. These events are persisted in ODE's database and can be queried using the Management API. The default behavior for the engine is to always generate all events for every executed action. However from a performance standpoint it's a good idea to deactivate some of the events you're not interested in (or even all of them). Inserting all these events generates a non-negligeable overhead.

Event types

The following table details each event possibly generated by ODE:

Event NameProcess/ScopeDescriptionType
ActivityEnabledEvent Scope An activity is enabled (just before it's started) activityLifecycle
ActivityDisabledEvent Scope An activity is disabled (due to dead path elimination) activityLifecycle
ActivityExecStartEvent Scope An activity starts its execution activityLifecycle
ActivityExecEndEvent Scope An activity execution terminates activityLifecycle
ActivityFailureEvent Scope An activity failed activityLifecycle
CompensationHandlerRegistered Scope A compensation handler gets registered on a scope scopeHandling
CorrelationMatchEvent Process A matching correlation has been found upon reception of a message correlation
CorrelationNoMatchEvent Process No matching correlation has been found upon reception of a message correlation
CorrelationSetWriteEvent Scope A correlation set value has been initialized dataHandling
ExpressionEvaluationFailedEvent Scope The evaluation of an expression failed dataHandling
ExpressionEvaluationSuccessEvent Scope The evaluation of an expression succeeded dataHandling
NewProcessInstanceEvent Process A new process instance is created instanceLifecycle
PartnerLinkModificationEvent Scope A partner link has been modified (a new value has been assigned to it) dataHandling
ProcessCompletionEvent Process A process instance completes instanceLifecycle
ProcessInstanceStartedEvent Process A process instance starts instanceLifecycle
ProcessInstanceStateChangeEvent Process The state of a process instance has changed instanceLifecycle
ProcessMessageExchangeEvent Process A process instance has received a message instanceLifecycle
ProcessTerminationEvent Process A process instance terminates instanceLifecycle
ScopeCompletionEvent Scope A scope completes scopeHandling
ScopeFaultEvent Scope A fault has been produced in a scope scopeHandling
ScopeStartEvent Scope A scope started scopeHandling
VariableModificationEvent Scope The value of a variable has been modified dataHandling
VariableReadEvent Scope The value of a variable has been read dataHandling

The second column specifies wether an event is associated with the process itself or with one of its scopes. The event type is used for filtering events.

Filtering events

Filtering at the process level

Using ODE's deployment descriptor, it's possible to tweak events generation to filtrate which ones get created. First, events can be filtered at the process level using one of the following stanza:

<dd:process-events generate="all"/> <!-- Default configuration -->

<dd:process-events generate="none"/>


The first form just duplicates the default behaviour, when nothing is specified in the deployment descriptor, all events are generated. The third form lets you define which type of event is generated, possible types are: instanceLifecycle, activityLifecycle, dataHandling, scopeHandling, correlation.

Filtering at the scope level

It's also possible to define filtering for each scope of your process. This overrides the settings defined on the process. In order to define event filtering on a scope, the scope activity MUST have a name in your process definition. Scopes are referenced by name in the deployment descriptor:

<dd:deploy xmlns:dd="">
    <dd:process-events generate="none">
        <dd:scope-events name="aScope">
        <dd:scope-events name="anotherScope">

Note that it's useless to enable an event associated with the process itself when filtering events on scopes.

The filter defined on a scope is automatically inherited by its inner scopes. So if no filter is defined on a scope, it will use the settings of its closest parent scope having event filters (up to the process). Note that what gets inherited is the full list of selected events, not each event definition individually.

Event listeners

ODE lets you register your own event listeners to analyze all produced events and do whatever you want to do with them. To create a listener you just need to implement the org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEventListener interface.

Then add your implementation in the server's classpath and add a property in giving your fully qualified implementation class name. Something like:


Note: These events are generated in the same thread running a JTA transaction which is being executed to process the bpel activities. Subscribed consumers of these events should look for releasing the executing thread as soon as possible. Holding on to the executing thread would delay the transactions and the jobs executions within ODE. May be look towards asynchronous way of consuming these events.

Start your server and you're done!